Friday, October 26, 2018

Total Bravery - Piper J. Drake (Forever - Apr 2018)

Series: True Heroes (Book 4)

True heroes will do anything to protect the women they love...

As the newest recruit at Search and Protect, Raul has a lot to prove. Luckily, he's got the best friend and partner a man could ask for: a highly trained, fiercely loyal German Shepherd Dog named Taz. Together, Raul and Taz make an unbeatable team. But their first mission in Hawaii really puts them to the test when an international kidnapping ring sets its sights on the bravest woman Raul's ever met...

Mali knows her latest job has put one hell of a target on her back. And on this small island paradise, there's nowhere to hide. With a service dog like Taz, Mali feels safe. Sharing close quarters with a smoldering muscle-for-hire like Raul, she feels something else - an unexpected wave of desire. Raul feels it too. But when the kidnappers make their move, he's got to turn that slow-burning passion into hard-hitting action - and save the life of the woman he loves.

Good book that sucked me in right away. The first three books in the series took place in Pennsylvania, with the owners and trainers at Hope's Crossing Kennels. This book follows one of their working dogs and his handler, Taz and Raul Sa (from Absolute Trust), to Hawaii and their work with Search and Protect. On his first day on the job, alone on the premises, he received a call from the sister of one of his teammates - she's on the run from unknown men and needs help. Raul and Taz immediately set off to find her.

Mali is a researcher doing post-doctorate work and studying human trafficking. The team she is with has drawn the wrong kind of attention, and while she has evaded capture, the rest of the team has not. She's on edge until her sister's friend and teammate finds her and gets her to safety.

I loved the first meeting between Raul and Mali. The situation is tense because of the danger, but there is also no denying the punch of attraction that both of them feel. Mali is moved by Raul's care and concern and notices how cute he is. Raul is equally drawn to her, but she's his best friend's little sister. I laughed out loud at that moment in the hotel room when he asked "Is there something I can do to get out of this situation without Arin wanting to kill me?" and "I'm doomed. Dead." I loved Mali's reaction even more. I loved the way that Mali almost instantly connected with both Raul and Taz, and they with her. Taz is just as protective of Mali as Raul is, and he and Mali have some pretty sweet moments together.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Raul and Mali. Raul is smitten almost immediately. Even if it means standing up to his good buddy Arin, he wants to see where it will go. The problem is, he's got some pretty dark things in his past that also make him feel that he isn't good for her, so he mentally flip-flops a little bit. Mali's feelings have her totally confused. With everything that's going on, as much as she wants them to, she's not sure that she can trust them to last. I liked how their working together helped them get to know each other, and that the heat between them continued to build. I loved that Raul respected Mali's intelligence and capabilities. He didn't allow his protectiveness to stop him from listening to her opinions and suggestions or stop her from participating in the rescue operation. Though Mali is an eyewitness to the things that Raul is capable of when the situation calls for it, her feelings for him are not diminished by it. I liked that she could separate the professional Raul from the personal one. The ending was fantastic, as Raul gave Mali the space she needed to deal with everything that had happened. I liked how Mali was able to work through all her issues and see the truth. The fact that both of them had "go big" moments planned put them on equal footing for their future, with neither one having to give something up to be together.

The suspense of the story was really good and kept me hooked throughout the book. Mali and her research team were researching human trafficking on the Islands when they drew the interest of the wrong people. Mali was able to escape, thanks to remembered advice from her sister, which leaves her as the only team member free. Though badly shaken, she is determined to help her friends. Her return to the hotel, with Raul and Taz in tow, is tense and becomes more so with the messages she received. Mali's stubborn insistence on following those instructions almost put her in the TSTL category, but her willingness to follow Raul's lead made it better. The scene at the pineapple stand brought home how much danger was involved. Once they return to Search and Protect's headquarters and fill in the rest of the team, things really begin to pop. I loved the teamwork and seeing how each member's strengths were utilized. The rescue operation was intense and had me on the edge of my seat as I read my way through it. There were a couple of unexpected twists that increased the tension before it was all resolved.

The assorted relationships in the book were also fascinating. Raul and Taz's assimilation into the new team was an important component. His reflections on past issues with other teams emphasized how important this new job was to him. I liked seeing how his interactions with each of those members reinforced his feeling of belonging. I loved the nurturing spirit of Kalea and her obvious happiness in taking care of everyone. Zu's leadership and understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each member had the respect of them all. I loved his conversation with Raul at the end, and the impact it had on Raul. I felt like the most important relationship, other than that between Mali and Raul, was the one between Arin and Mali. They had grown up with Arin being Mali's protector, and now that they are grown Arin still sees Mali as that child. It takes a while for her to see Mali's strength and independence. That protectiveness also comes out when she sees the sparks between Mali and Raul. I loved that she warned Mali that she could be hurt, but also that she could hurt Raul. The friendship between Arin and Raul is a close one, and they obviously know each other well. There were some realistically awkward moments among the three of them as they worked out the new dynamics.

I loved the dogs, especially Taz. I was rooting for him in the previous book and was thrilled when he found a partner in Raul. I loved how well they had already bonded by the time this book started. One of the things I liked best about him is that his personality is so much like Raul's. It seemed that he fell for Mali as quickly as Raul did. I loved the scene in the bathroom when Raul first rescued Mali, and how Taz sensed her distress. The bit with the pineapple was absolutely adorable. Though Mali had never been an animal person, Taz drew her in just as quickly. I loved how he provided comfort in stressful times,  and was there for the good times, too. I loved his part in Raul's big moment. As always in these True Heroes books, I love learning about these working dogs and the people they are partnered with. It's always fascinating.


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